Nautilus HumanSport Strength Line

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With a design inspired by the graceful, natural motions of the human body, HumanSport® offers a truly unique and human way of conditioning. HumanSport® is so simple, so intuitive and so natural that it feels as if it were custom-built for each and every user. Six dual-function, cable based machines act as twelve workout stations by utilizing dual weight stacks to provide a wide range of total body training. Paired with a variety of included programming designed by our own Master Trainers, HumanSport makes a powerful addition to any facility.

9-HSAC3 Nautilus Human Sport Arm Crunch (Silver W/ Wood Trim) $4,499
9-HSLP3 Nautilus Human Sport Lat Pull (Silver W/ Wood Trim) $4,499
9-HSPL3 Nautilus Human Sport Pull Lift (Silver W/ Wood Trim) $4,499
9-HSSC3 Nautilus Human Sport Shoulder Chest (Silver W/ Wood Trim) $4,499
9-HSTD3 Nautilus Human Sport Total Delts (Silver W/ Wood Trim) $4,499
9-HSTL3 Nautilus Human Sport Total Legs (Silver W/ Wood Trim) $4,499

9-HSFT3-19AAC Freedom Trainer (silver with Wood Trim) $6,199


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